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- Piano & Chamber Music Master Class of Dr.Orsolya Szabo 2011
Piano & Chamber Music master class of Dr.Orsolya Szabo 2011
April 27th - May 1st 2011
Orsolya Szabü
Orsolya Szabü is a concert pianist and professor at the Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of Music, an integral part of the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, where she teaches piano and chamber music.She received her diploma in 1972 and her DLA in 2010 at the Liszt Academy of music, Budapest.
Since then her teaching vocation and performing have been parallel and inseparable from each other. She has taught at the Conservatoires in Budapest and Szeged, and also at the Szeged Teachers’ Training College, and since 1983 at the Kodály Institute, Kecskemét.
She gives concerts all over the world-in Italy, Australia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Canada. She has held Master Courses in several summer courses in Hungary as well as in other countries. She is often asked to adjudicate at international piano competitions.
Her involvement in arts besides music is also significant. She was national champion in Rhythmical Gymnastics (“Artistic Gymnastics”) eight times. Her experience and knowledge in this field led her to create a special movement system (So – system) for musicians, which she has been teaching in Hungary and abroad since 1990.
In 1982 she received a diploma cum laude in Aesthetics and Philosophy, and she published four books of poetry, in 1989, 1991, 1993 and 1996. She has had several “one woman” exhibitions of her paintings, statues and assemblages since 1989.
An “Excellent Piano Interpretation of New Hungarian Works” prize was awarded to her by the Legal Aid Bureau. In 1987she received the “For the Hungarian Culture Prize” and Kecskemét Town Council awarded her with the “For Excellent Music Teaching Carrer” prize in 1995.
She is member of the International Jeunesses Musicales Federation, and participated in its “MUS-E” Project.
The Master Class took place from 27th April (Easter Wednesday) - 1st May (May Day) 2011, at the “Attico Conservatory”, Eratosthenous 8 Pagrati, Athens.
In the Master Class professor Orsolya Szabo thaught artistic interpretation for works for the piano as well as works of chamber music ensembles .
Selected Seminar students concluded the seminar with a concert that was held on Sunday 1st of May at 12:00pm, at the Concert Hall of the “Attiko Conservatory” .
There followed the awarding of the participation certificates.
Program of the concert
- Christophilou Viky
- Bousia-Alexaki Katerina
- Kakaroglou Anastasia
- Govatsou Irini
- Betini Despina
- Folini Jasmin
J. Brahms: Rhapsody in g minor op.79 no 2
- Anastasopoulos Costas